Effective Teaching

Pedagogical Theorystudent raising hand

The sources below discuss the basic building blocks that underlie effective pedagogical strategies.

Using Technology to Enhance Teaching & Learning

Technology provides numerous tools that teachers can use in and out of the classroom to enhance student learning. 

Faculty members should consult SMU's office of Academic Technology Services, which provides many kinds of support, including hands-on training in using classroom technology. (Click here for classroom-specific information about the setup in many campus buildings). SMU's Student Technology Assistant in Residence Program(STAR) is also available to help with short-term instructional technology projects.

Resources for Using Technology in the Classroom

Click here to find resources on a range of teaching technology available to you, including help with creating captivating and organized presentations, information on using tablets, assigning podcasts, and more!

Three Minute Teaching Tips

SMU professors share some ways they engage students in critical thinking.

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In this podcast, Sheri Kunovich highlights how she uses visual sociology projects in her upper level courses by requiring students to go beyond quick observations of social life. 

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David Son shares an in-class activity called "Think, Pair, Share," that helps promote students’ active engagement and provides more opportunities for students to think and engage in the classroom.  


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Robert Krout shares an assignment from his Survey of Music Psychology course where he challenges students to transfer and apply terms and concepts being learned in class. 


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 Lynn Stokes shares a "Warm Up" assignment from her Introduction to Statistics Course. In this assignment, students discuss statistical concepts without using numbers. This process helps Lynn assess their understanding of the applications discussed in class.