
All devices that are compatible with wired networking, contain MAC addresses. The MAC address is used to identify the device on the network.

 In order for any device to be connected to the wired network, it will need to be registered with ITS. An example of registration: Your PC or MAC is connected to the wired network, when Internet Explorer is opened, you are required to enter your ID and Password to register the device. Since gaming and TiVo devices do not have an internet browser to reach the registration page, these devices must be pre-registered to pass through the registration page.

Locate the MAC Address

  • If the Tivo has an internal wired connection, the MAC address will be listed on the documentation that came with the device.
  • If the Tivo has an external adapter, the MAC address will be listed on the adapter itself or on the adapter's documentation.

Create a New Connection

  1. Power off the TiVo.
  2. Plug the Ethernet cable directly into the Tivo, and directly into the wall port. There should be no splitters/switches connected at anytime.
  3. Go to TiVo Central by pressing the TiVo button on your remote control; then select Messages and Settings, then Settings; then Phone and Network. ** YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO CONNECT YOUR TiVo USING YOUR PHONE (DIAL-UP) METHOD. PLEASE CONNECT USING THE WIRED NETWORK IN YOUR DORM.
  4. At this point the TiVo will attempt to create a network connection. **If this connection completes properly you should see a screen called Network Setup Complete. **If the connection fails, follow the on-screen instructions to check your settings. All Settings should be set to automatic. This includes IP Addresses, Subnet Mask, DNS Servers, and any other settings needed to connect to the network. If you receive an error message, please reference the Error Message / Troubleshooting Section.