Noemi Vega Quinones

Ph.D., Religious Studies

My family and I immigrated to the United States from Mexico when I was five years old. I grew up in the serene hills of California’s central coast and chose to continue my studies in the central valley, earning a B.A. in Psychology from California State University, Fresno. After several years in the field of Christian campus ministry, I decided to pursue an M.A. in Theology from Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary. My academic interests emerged from my work with college students and range from recovering borderland (Mexico/U.S.) indigenous epistemologies to deconstructing racialized conceptions of Christologies. My concentration in the field of ethics aims to incorporate race, gender, pedagogic, and hermeneutical studies for a working theological framework of healing-from-race. I love to kickbox, jog, catch up with friends and family, and write in my free time.