Have To's
1. Pay Your Seat Reservation Deposit
To reserve your seat for the class entering in the Fall of 2024, a non-refundable deposit of $1,000.00 is required by the date communicated to you upon admission. The deposit will be credited to your tuition and fees account. Failure to meet your deadline may result in the forfeiture of your seat. Your deposit may be paid by credit card at: https://smu.nbsstore.net/admissions-deposit-jd
Checks should be made payable to SMU Dedman School of Law and include the applicant’s name and LSAC number on the memo line. Please send your deposit to SMU Dedman School of Law, Office of Admissions, P.O. Box 750110, Dallas, Texas 75275-0110.
2. SMU ID Number and Email Address
After your admission, you will receive your SMU e-mail address, ID number, and temporary password. All of this information will be emailed to you from the Admissions Office. You will continue to receive emails from the Admissions Office to the email address you provided in your law school application, however, the university and in particular the Financial Aid Office will only send emails about your enrollment at SMU to your SMU email account.
3. Read the Essential Information for Admitted J.D. Students
Be sure to read the Essential Information for Admitted J.D. Students document that you received via email. You should start completing the tasks outlined within the Essential Information document as well.
Please be sure to also review all other materials you received in your Admitted Student email. If you need copies of any of the materials again, please contact the Admissions Office at 214-768-2550.
4. Final Undergraduate Transcript (J.D. Students Only)
The American Bar Association (ABA) requires that your official transcript from your degree-granting undergraduate institution be included in your law school file. This must be an official transcript stating that your undergraduate degree was conferred and the date of graduation. You will not be registered for classes if we do not receive your transcript by July 1, 2024.
Here are some how-tos when submitting your official transcripts through Parchment or National Student Clearinghouse:
5. Character and Fitness Updates (All Students)
All SMU law students are under a continuing obligation to notify the school (via an email to lawadmit@smu.edu with your LSAC number in the email) of any criminal or disciplinary matters that occur before or after admission and during their enrollment. This includes any citations or charges other than Class C misdemeanor traffic violations. If you have been cited or charged with any violation of the law (regardless of disposition) or you have received any scholastic disciplinary action, you must email the Admissions Office to amend your application. Failure to amend your application as described above could result in the revocation of your admission.
6. SMU Health History Form (All Students)
All students are required to complete the SMU Health History form and submit it to the Dr. Bob Smith Health Center at SMU before enrolling at SMU. This form is linked within the Admitted Students Website, or you may go to https://www.smu.edu/StudentAffairs/DrBobSmithHealthCenter/Medical-Services/Incoming-Students for the form and instructions.
7. Meningitis Immunization (All Students Under 22 Years Old)
Texas state law requires any student entering a Texas college or university under the age of 22 to be immunized for bacterial meningitis before attending classes. The university will place a hold on your account and you will not be allowed to register for classes if you are under 22 years old and have not had your meningitis vaccine. You must submit proof of vaccination to the Dr. Bob Smith Health Center. If you have any questions or need additional information, please click here or contact the Dr. Bob Smith Health Center at 214-768-2141.
8. SMU Health Insurance (All Students)
After the registrar has enrolled you in your classes (by the end of July), you must either enroll in or waive the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) at: my.SMU.edu, Student Homepage, Health Center, Mandatory Health Insurance.
The deadline to waive out of SHIP for the Fall of 2024 will be announced at a later date.
More information is available at: http://www.smu.edu/StudentAffairs/HealthCenter/Insurance.
Please make a note that it will be necessary to elect or waive the Student Health Insurance EVERY semester.
9. Extra Note for International Students
All new international students are required to attend a mandatory Government Document Check-in Session and complete an online International Student Compliance Course with the SMU International Student and Scholar Services Office (ISSS). Dates for the sessions are forthcoming.
Note: If you do not complete the mandatory Government Document Check-in, a hold will be placed on your student record which will affect your ability to enroll in classes, eligibility to receive services from the ISSS office and University resources. Failure to timely complete your check-in requirement will also result in severe consequences for your visa status within the U.S.