Speed of Trust Foundations*

With high trust communication, creativity, and engagement improve. Productivity speeds up and costs decrease as attention is redirected toward objectives instead of suspicion and frustration.

In the Speed of Trust® Foundations work session, individuals become competent in using the framework, language, and behaviors that lead to high-trust teams and organizations.


During this session, participants will identify and address "trust gaps" in their personal credibility and relationships at work. You will:


●      Practice the 13 Behaviors of High Trust to develop, restore, and extend trust.

●      Create a Trust Action Plan to increase personal credibility and influence.

●      Practice communicating transparently, respectfully, and directly.

●      Identify how to extend appropriate levels of trust with co-workers.

●      Improve your track record of keeping commitments through a Peer Accountability Process.

Date:  Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Enroll Now via my.SMU>Learning and Development>Request Training Enrollment.  Use Course Code "HRSOTF".

Facilitator: Mary Stall, Organizational Effectiveness

Location: Expressway Tower, Room 208

Parking:  Attendees may park in any undesignated parking spot at Expressway Tower.  Overflow parking for Expressway Tower is available in the AUP lots W1, W2, W3 to the north of Expressway Tower as designated on this map.
Those wishing to take the shuttle bus will be dropped off at Expressway Tower.  Learn more about SMU Express Shuttles including tracking your shuttle bus location.

*This Professional Development workshop counts as one elective credit for Manager Orientation.