What are examples of approved placements?
Our students have worked in a variety of placements including, legal service organizations, nonprofit community groups, and government offices responsible for protecting the right of individuals raising important public interest concerns.
Can students complete public service hours working for a private attorney?
Work done for attorneys in private practice must be pro bono work on behalf of a person or group ordinarily unable to secure legal representation, the student may not receive remuneration for the assistance, and the student must receive PRE-APPROVAL from the Office of Public Service before initiating the pro bono project.
Can judicial clerkships fulfill the public service graduation requirement?
No, judicial clerkships do not qualify for public service hours.
Can working for a political campaign qualify?
No, work for holders of/or candidates for political office do not qualify for public service hours.
Can students create their own public service placement?
Yes, students may develop their own public service placements, but the project MUST BE PRE-APPROVED to be eligible to receive credit for the work.
Are there criteria for an approved public service placement?
For a student-initiated public service placement to qualify for consideration by the Faculty Public Service Committee, the assistance the student will provide must be:
- Law-related – project requires knowledge of the law for completion;
- Provides legal assistance, without charge, to
- Persons of limited means;
- Not-for-profit organizations; or
- Individuals, groups, or organizations seeking access to justice such as civil liberties, civil rights, or public rights;
- Supervised by an attorney;
- In the public interest;
- Uncompensated – students may not receive any form of financial remuneration (salary, stipend, or grant) for their work; and
- Not for academic credit.