Top Research Explores Social Media Effectiveness, Creativity
The Temerlin Advertising Institute at SMU's Meadows School of the Arts is among three organizations to sponsor a research paper competition to explore social media effectiveness and creativity.
By Ann Marie Kerwin
How does advertising perform in a social-media world? How can you build a cohesive social strategy? And what are the hidden influences that shape your organization's creativity?
These topics are explored in three winning research papers, released by Advertising Age today. The papers were awarded honors from Advertising Age, the American Academy of Advertising and Temerlin Advertising Institute at Southern Methodist University in a competition to uncover the best academic thinking around marketing and advertising business problems.
Ad Age is committed to bringing the that thinking to its professional audience, and to encouraging productive interaction between the academic and business communities. So in 2012, Ad Age partnered with the Temerlin Advertising Institute at Southern Methodist University to sponsor a research-paper competition for the American Academy of Advertising, an organization of advertising scholars and professionals with an interest in ad education.
The winning research papers are the result of peer-reviewed judging by members of the AAA, Temerlin staff and Advertising Age and the academic authors and researchers behind them were honored at an awards ceremony at the AAA's annual meeting in April, recieving their prizes from Temerlin professor Hye Jin Yoon and Ad Age's Ann Marie Kerwin....