Perry's success: Good looks, timing and politics

SMU Political Science Professor Cal Jillson talks about Rick Perry's career as a politician and his race for re-election as governor of Texas.


At the Belo televised debate Friday night, the Republican candidates for governor will tell us about where they stand on issues.

But Rick Perry, Kay Bailey Hutchison and Debra Medina might not share so much about who they are. What about the people behind the political labels?

Some have said Perry has come a long way on his good looks. But becoming Texas' longest-serving governor took more than a pleasant appearance.

SMU political science professor Cal Jillson says Perry’s experience growing up on a ranch at Paint Creek, north of Abilene, shaped his views.

"Hard times really for farmers out there, and that's the part of the state that has always been most conservative," Jillson said.

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