
Our students are highly successful. They are accepted to top graduate schools, such as Cranbrook, the Art Institute of Chicago, Yale, Bard, Rutgers, Penn, Cal Arts, the University of Washington, Indiana, the University of Chicago, Hunter and the Slade School (London). They work – as artists – and exhibit throughout the world. They have won the Prix de Rome and Guggenheim, Fulbright, Javits, and U.S.-Japan Fellowships, and major residencies. They are collected by museums. They teach at top universities and in high schools. They shape their communities through their art and through businesses in the arts. They run galleries, curate exhibitions, make movies and run design firms. They see, they think, they imagine, they MAKE. They shape their world, and ours.

Are you a Meadows alum?

Attention alumni - we want to keep in touch with you! If you've got a minute, we'd love it if you could:

Art Alumni Stories

D Magazine: Puerto Rico Art Collective MAOF Lectures at Meadows
November 17, 2017
Pollock Gallery “Wide Open” Exhibit Reviewed in D Magazine
November 6, 2017
KTAB-TV: Professor Mary Vernon Exhibits at Grace Museum in Abilene
September 11, 2017
Alum Matthew Cusick’s Map Art Featured in Automobile Magazine
September 10, 2017
M.F.A. Art Alum Jeff Zilm's Q&A in D Magazine
January 19, 2016