Appealing Citations

The appeals process is intended to provide an objective process to review a citation. There must be substantial and valid evidence that the parking violation was not committed or that it occurred due to circumstances beyond the appellant's control.

How to Appeal a Citation

  1. Log into and use your ID number and password or, if you are a visitor or guest, create a guest account. (Computers are available at the Parking Office for those without Internet access.)
  2. Click "View Your Citation" under Parking Portal to the right, find the citation and click Appeal.
  3. Follow the steps to complete an appeal. Include a detailed explanation for the appeal in the designated box including any supporting evidence (photos, receipts, maps, etc.) send extra files to with your citation number or US mail by 8 p.m. the following business day.

Appeals Process

  • Appeals must be submitted 15 calendar days from the date of the citation.
  • Additional supporting information or documentation can be submitted with your appeal.
  • Appeals submitted after 15 calendar days will not be accepted for review.
  • An anonymous Appeals Committee will review all appeals.
  • The decision of the committee are final, and no further appeals will be granted.
  • If an appeal is denied, payment can be made online through your my.SMU account. Once you have logged into my.SMU, click on Financials and scroll down to SMUpay.
  • Visitors and others may make payment online using the Parking Portal, by mail, or in the SMU Parking and ID Card Services office.
  • Drivers may view their appeal request submission and status on their Parking Portal  under "View your Appeals" 

Appeal Tips

If you have supporting evidence, submit it. Do not include one of the following reasons when writing your detailed explanation:

  • Lack of knowledge of the regulations
  • Other vehicles were parked improperly
  • Only parked illegally for a short period of time
  • Parked with my flashers on
  • Stated failure of parking officer to ticket previously for similar offenses
  • Late to class or appointment
  • Inability to pay the amount of the fine
  • No other place to park

Additional Information

  • Appeals must be submitted within 15 calendar days of citation issuance.
  • If you have hold on your account and have appealed your citation please make payment to remove the hold, once a decision is granted in your favor you will be refunded the amount back to your account.
  • Appellants receive email notice of receipt of a completed online appeal. If you do not receive an email acknowledgment, please contact or (214) 768-7275.
  • Notice of the decision regarding your appeal will be sent by email or US mail.
  • Please allow three to four weeks for a decision regarding your appeal. The number of appeals filed increases near the end of the semester and may result in longer wait times.