
This 36-credit-hour degree program is designed for working professionals and can be completed in two years. Our practice-based curriculum is designed to meet the unique set of needs & challenges leaders face in urban schools.

Our courses are non-traditional and provide unique opportunities to learn and grow as a leader. Role-plays and field-based experiences prepare participants to take on the most difficult aspects of school leadership, while group work and collaboration with fellow cohort members teach leaders the keys to building effective teams.

A Competency-Based Model

Competency-based learning in the Aspiring Leaders Program ensures leaders receive multiple personalized learning opportunities to strengthen practices that are key to improving achievement. Working from a discrete set of research-based practices, our curriculum is created to ensure multiple opportunities for individual feedback based on a rubric that moves each leader towards mastery. 

Throughout the Aspiring Leaders program, participants consistently work towards developing high-leverage values, skills, and practices that are essential for successful urban school leadership, such as:

  • Leading with trust
  • Giving and receive critical feedback
  • Innovation and risk-taking

The Cohort Experience

Aspiring Leaders will work with other like-minded educators to problem-solve and action-plan through challenges, to share best-practices, and to provide feedback and support that will last throughout your career. Learn and grow together, both personally and professionally. 

Degree Plan 2023-2024

Term One Summer I

Summer Courses (8 hours)

  • Leading with Values
  • Student Culture and Support
  • Instructional Leadership I

Term Two Fall I

Module A Courses (4 hours)

  • Organizational Behavior
  • Instructional Leadership II

Module B Courses (4 hours)

  • Legal and Ethical Aspects of Leadership
  • Field Studies

Term Three Spring I

Module A Courses (4 hours)

  • Instructional Leadership III
  • Leading Holistic Development

Module B Courses (4 hours)

  • Special Populations
  • Field Studies

Term Four Summer II

Summer Courses (4 hours)

  • Strategic Management of Human Capital
  • Field Studies

Term Five Fall II

Full-term Courses (5 hours)

  • Residency
  • Planning & Managing Change


Term Six Spring II

Full-term Courses (3 hours)

  • Residency