Experts: Twitter Key Part of GOP Debate Process

Jake Batsell, journalism professor at SMU's Meadows School of the Arts, talks about Twitter's ubiquity in the GOP debate process.

By Gisele Phelps

The latest GOP debate sure was fiery Thursday night.  The remaining four Republican candidates:  Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich squared off on CNN. Reaction to their exchanges was immediate on social media.

When GOP debaters hit the airwaves Twitter tends to heat up.

“You`re also watching the social media fall out on your laptop, on your iPad, and maybe even your iPhone,” said SMU Asst. Journalism Professor Jake Batsell.

SMU professor, Jake Batsell, says Twitter has become an important part of the debate process.

“In a way it`s kind of a real time truth squad, at least that`s the potential,” said Batsell....