Research program delves into anxiety and related problems

SMU's Anxiety Research & Treatment Program is broadening understanding of how to manage stress.


SMU's Anxiety Research & Treatment Program studies ways to increase the effectiveness of treatments for people suffering from anxiety and related problems, distributing what it learns to the general community and mental health care professionals.

The program, based in SMU's Department of Psychology under the direction of Associate Professor Jasper Smits, has ongoing research studies examining new treatments for smoking cessation, social phobia, panic disorder, and height phobia.

"Participating in any of our investigations involves a mutually beneficial relationship with the SMU Anxiety Research & Treatment Program," according to the program website. "Participants will be adequately compensated for their time and efforts devoted to helping us learn more about the nature and treatment of anxiety and related problems."

Learn more about the program online.

The program was the subject of a WB 33 news story on January 28, 2010:

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