Ian Grieve


Visiting Professor of Practice
Pollock Gallery Coordinator & SOAC Faculty Liaison





Ian Grieve is a visual artist currently living and working in Dallas, TX. He received his MFA from Southern Methodist University (SMU) and his BFA from the same. Though primarily a figurative painter, he also works in collage, ceramics, and sculpture.

The artist's long-time residence in Los Angeles and work as a lighting and camera technician significantly influenced his visual art practice. He has carried his love of light from his photographic career into his current practice. Grieve's work explores chance, suggestion, and the absurdity of time's deterioration. He is currently working on a series of paintings depicting self-fabricated allegories and personal mythologies to reconcile the constancy of change with the slipperiness of time.

He has exhibited his work in numerous shows in the Dallas/ Ft. Worth area, including at Craighead Green Gallery and Artspace 111, and has a forthcoming exhibition at the Turner House.

Gallery Affiliation:

Craighead Green Gallery. Dallas, TX

Course list

Intro to Painting ASPT 1300
Drawing as Concept and Performance 
ASDR 3305/ 5300
Intermediate and Advanced Drawing
ASDR 3300/ 5300
Advanced Studio I
ASAG 3390
Narrative (Art Foundations Course)
ASAG 1380

Ian Grieve