Image grid


Use the image grid feature to showcase two to three images with the choice to feature one of the images. Captions are optional.

This feature works best when used on wider page sections. Use the Image Box feature if you need to display headings and descriptions along with the images.

Usage guidelines

  • Keep captions brief.
  • Display no more than three images per row.
  • Keep content left-aligned for best readability, and never justify content.
  • Keep image widths to 800 pixels or less. This will decrease page load time and improve search engine optimization.

Responsive layout

This feature loads differently on smaller screens, such as phones and tablets, than it does on wider desktop or laptop computers. Always review how your page will load across different page sizes before publishing.



Example below, in the full-width section of a page.

Nullam vulputate ante

Nullam vulputate ante id interdum efficitur. Curabitur consequat quam diam, ac varius lacus tincidunt vel. Sed lobortis lorem a neque luctus, a dictum mi venenatis. Aenean aliquet eu ligula vel hendrerit. Donec id varius risus. Maecenas gravida interdum massa vitae viverra.

Advanced research prominence, leading-edge technology and unsurpassed facilities

Ante id interdum efficitur

Ante id interdum efficitur

Maecenas gravida