Responsible Conduct of Research

The Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Program, codified in SMU policy 10.1, supports the ethical and responsible conduct of research at SMU. The program provides online and in-person RCR training to the campus community, as well as resources for conducting plagiarism analysis of external funding proposals.

Research Handbook

Details about the RCR program can now be found in the Research Handbook.

In-Person Seminar

A Responsible Conduct of Research in-person certificate-granting seminar will be offered each semester for incoming and continuing federally-supported graduate students. Graduate students must successfully complete the seminar in order to receive federal funds. Successful completion of the RCR seminar is only required once while at SMU.

Check back later for more information about Fall 2022 seminars. Contact Heather McClary, Director of Research Compliance, with any questions.


We offer guidance for planning your research project. To discuss your specific research plans, please email Research Compliance or call at 214-768-2030.