Val Vining Biography

Val joined the Mustang family in the fall of 2018 as the Tutor Specialist

for the Applied Physiology and Sports Management major (APSM). She provides academic assistance in the core APSM classes such as: Coaching, Biomechanics, Exercise Physiology, Applied Sports Management, and Sports Law. In the summer of 2021, she was promoted to Tutor Coordinator, where her passion is sharing her expertise and knowledge with her staff. Before arriving on the Hilltop, Val was a student at the University of North Texas where she received her Master’s degree in Sports Psychology (2017), and worked closely with the Track and Field team. Before arriving in Texas, she was a student-athlete of the women’s soccer team at Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas. She was a 4-year member and captain her senior year. Val’s hobbies include cheering on the Mustangs and Dallas Cowboys, cooking, running, true crime, and spending time outdoors with her husband, son, and two Australian shepherds named Nugget and Trooper.