Presentation Software


Garr Reynolds, Presentation Zen, What Is Good PowerPoint Design? 

Ronald A. Berk, Top 10 Evidence-Based, Best Practices for PowerPoint in the Classroom (principles of slide design, from a Johns Hopkins professor emeritus)

Dave Paradi, Think Outside the Slide (video advice from a PowerPoint guru) (scroll down for numerous short videos showing re-designed slides) 

Rethinking the Design of PowerPoint: The Assertion-Evidence Structure  (Penn State prof's advice: death to bullet points)

Don McMillan (comedian), Life After Death PowerPoint ("what not to do" video)


Canva Login

Canva vs. PowerPoint

Mastering Classroom Presentations: Canva Design School's Expert Tips

Canva for Presentations Tutorial


Prezi ("make your presentations zoom")

Prezi vs. PowerPoint

Prezi:  Substance & Style (taking advantage of this tool without inducing nausea)

Comparison Chart:  PowerPoint and Prezi

Xtranormal (for making short films)

Xtranormal Powers Higher Education Learning