Educational Programs Committee

The Educational Programs Committee (EPC) is the university-wide committee that reviews proposed changes submitted by the Schools and College and that advises the Provost on these items. Once the EPC approves a proposal, it is sent to the Provost. Depending on the level of the curricular change, and if the Provost accepts the EPC’s recommendation, the item is sent to the Board of Trustees either in the form of a request for approval by BOT vote or as an information item. Board approval is required for the following curricular changes: opening or closing of all diplomas, degrees or certificates. In addition, the Board is notified of, but does not approve, the creation or discontinuance of minors, the shortening or lengthening of any diploma, degree or certificate. One note: If the increase or decrease in credit hour requirements is significant (25% or more), the change will require both a BOT vote and pre-approval from SACSCOC.

Effective Fall 2024, the EPC will no longer accept the “Long Form” and Short Form” for proposals.  All proposals must be submitted on the new EPC forms.

Effective Spring 2025, departments and schools submitting proposals must use the docusign versions of EPC forms to submit.  We no longer accept word or pdf versions of proposals.

Please note, in order to submit a proposal to EPC, both the submitting department and the college or school in which they are housed must be fully compliant and up to date with academic program assessment.  If we receive proposals from departments or schools that are not fully compliant and up to date, they will be tabled until program assessment is satisfactorily completed.



Questions or concerns? Email us at for assistance.