Doctor of Ministry Concentration in Spiritual Formation

Perkins offers the Doctor of Ministry degree with an emphasis in spiritual life and formation. Building on the leadership track of the program, this emphasis is designed to meet a series of goals:

  • To encourage a deeper and more dynamic understanding of the Christian spiritual tradition that is, at once, more conversant with the Christian tradition and sensitive to the spiritual practice of others
  • To advance the study of spirituality
  • To provide pastors, priests and other ministers with conceptual understandings needed to distinguish between spiritual direction, pastoral care and therapy
  • To foster an understanding of the world’s changing spiritual landscape
  • To nurture the spiritual humility making it possible not only to tolerate, but also to learn from spiritual traditions differing from our own
  • To encourage an awareness of that landscape’s diversity
  • To explore the intersection between issues of spirituality and other dimensions of life
  • To explore the complementary relationship between spirituality and theology
  • To provide the understanding and skills needed to provide others with spiritual direction and guidance


The four core courses to be taught as a part of the emphasis will be drawn from the following list:

Making Sense of the American Spiritual Landscape

Examines social and cultural forces that shape spiritual practice in the United States and addresses the relationship of Christian spiritual practice to those forces.

Spirituality and Theology

Focuses on the complementary relationship between spirituality and theology, examining the way in which spiritual practice shapes and is shaped by theology.

The History of Christian Spirituality

Focuses on the history and diversity of Christian spiritual practice, examining the theological assumptions, social context and shape of major Christian traditions.

Spiritual Traditions and World Religions

Focuses on spiritual traditions beyond the Christian tradition, including differences, similarities and the possible shape of dialog between them.

Boundary Issues

Focuses on the complementary, but distinctly different character of spiritual formation/direction, pastoral care and therapy.

Application materials and information on current course offerings are available upon request. If you have any questions, please contact the Doctor of Ministry office at 214.768.2124 or the Office of Spiritual Life and Formation at 214.768.2292.