Policies and Procedures
Students earn 3 hours of credit on January and May Programs, and 6, 7, or 8 hours of credit on Summer Programs. All courses on faculty-led or hybrid programs have SMU specific course numbers and directly post to the SMU transcript.
Please discuss any interest in obtaining UC/CC credit abroad with your Academic Advisor.
SMU Abroad courses may qualify forCommon Curriculum (CC) Foundations/Breadth requirements or University Curriculum (UC) Foundation/Breadth/Depth requirements.
If students are on the Common Curriculum (matriculated to SMU beginning Fall 2020 and later) the following applies:
If a course has been approved for CC requirements it will be indicated on the SMU Abroad course listing.
If a course has not been approved for CC requirements, and is taught by non-SMU faculty, students may petition the course to meet a CC Foundation/Breadth. Visit the CC website for more information or email thecc@smu.edu.
If students are on the University Curriculum (matriculated to SMU between Fall 2016-Spring 2020) the following applies:
If a course has been approved for UC requirements it will be indicated on the SMU Abroad course listing.
If a course has not been approved for UC requirements, and is taught by non-SMU faculty, students may petition the course to meet a UC Breadth/Depth. Visit the UC website for more information or email theuc@smu.edu.
Students enrolled on SMU Abroad semester programs are considered full-time students during the duration of their abroad study. Grades earned abroad will be posted to the SMU transcript and will be calculated into the student’s cumulative and SMU GPA. Academic credit earned abroad counts as credit earned in residence.
Courses on semester programs must be petitioned during the SMU Abroad application process. These courses may appear on the SMU transcript as courses with SMU specific course numbers or as Free Elective Study Abroad (FESA) credit. Petitioned courses are reviewed by a designated SMU faculty member credentialed in the discipline in which each course is offered. This faculty review determines how petitioned courses appear on the SMU transcript. Specific information about procedures and policies for earning credit is provided on the Courses page.
Please discuss any interest in obtaining UC/CC credit abroad with your Academic Advisor.
SMU Abroad courses taken during semester programs may qualify for CC Foundations/Breadth requirements or UC Foundation/Breadth/Depth requirements.
- If students are on the CC curriculum (matriculated to SMU beginning Fall 2020 and later) the following applies:
- If a course is approved for an SMU equivalent course number that satisfies CC requirements, upon completion of course the student’s Degree Progress Report (DPR) will automatically update.
- If a course is approved for an SMU Special Topics course number that does not satisfy CC requirements, students may petition the course to meet a CC Foundation/Breadth. Visit the CC website for more information or email thecc@smu.edu.
- There are certain criteria that courses must meet to be approved for CC credit. Those criteria are listed, per component, on the Common Curriculum website. Please review requirements and criteria before any petition submissions.
- Petition requests should be made before the program Abroad.
- If a course is approved for an SMU equivalent course number that does not satisfy CC requirements, students may NOT petition the course to meet a CC Foundation/Breadth.
- If students are on the UC curriculum (matriculated to SMU between Fall 2016-Spring 2020) the following applies:
- If a course is approved for an SMU equivalent course number that satisfies UC requirements, upon completion of course the student’s Degree Progress Report (DPR) will automatically update.
- If a course is approved for an SMU equivalent course number that does not satisfy UC requirements, students may petition the course to meet a UC Breadth/Depth. Visit the UC website for more information or email theuc@smu.edu.
Students considering study abroad are urged to meet early and often with both their academic advisor and the SMU Abroad advising team. This advising input is essential in integrating study abroad coursework into a student’s four-year plan of study.
Students enrolled on SMU Abroad programs are considered full-time students during the duration of their abroad study. Grades earned abroad will be posted to the SMU transcript and will be calculated into the student's cumulative and SMU GPA. Academic credit earned abroad counts as credit earned in residence.
All courses on virtual abroad programs have SMU specific course numbers and directly post to the SMU transcript. Course offerings can be found on each program web page and in the application itself. Students enroll in 3 credit hours for a virtual abroad program.
Please discuss any interest in obtaining UC/CC credit abroad with your Academic Advisor.
Courses taken on SMU Abroad January, May, and Summer programs may not be taken for a grade of NC (No Credit), but students may petition for one of these courses to be graded on a pass/fail basis. Students must petition approval for the pass/fail option from the program director and the faculty member teaching the course. The deadline to complete the Undergraduate Pass/Fail Option Declaration form to petition for a course taken on an SMU Abroad summer program is the payment deadline for the program; for Jan Term classes, the deadline is no later than the second day of classes for Jan Term. Forms are available in the schools’ records offices.
Courses taken on SMU Abroad Fall and Spring term programs may not be taken on a no-credit or pass/fail basis. The only exception to this policy is for courses designated by SMU’s academic departments with no credit or pass/fail as their only grading basis option.
Courses taken on SMU Abroad Virtual Abroad programs may not be taken for a grade of NC (No Credit). The SMU course catalog states that SMU Abroad courses may be counted as pass/fail when they are designated by SMU's academic departments with pass/fail as their only grading basis options. Since all courses on Virtual Abroad Programs are approved with internship course numbers, grades will be counted as pass/fail.
All Programs:
All study abroad students will be charged SMU tuition and fees for their abroad term and will receive SMU grades and credit for courses completed abroad. Students will not receive transfer credit.
Depending on the student’s choice of program, in addition to regular SMU tuition and fees, they will also incur additional costs such as educational supplies, and meal and housing options determined by the program type, program provider, and/or host institution.
Students will be responsible for additional expenses not listed above including, but not limited to, round-trip airfare, passport and/or visa fees, required immunizations (if applicable), meals, textbooks, daily living expenses, and independent travel. The Student Budget Estimate sheet is a tool for calculating the total cost for the student’s participation in a study abroad program. The Student Budget Estimate sheet should be completed by all students and shared with parents/guardians and the student’s financial aid adviser (if applicable).
Frequently Asked Questions
SMU tuition is charged according to the number of credit hours for all January, May, and Summer programs. There is a nonrefundable Initial Commitment fee of $1000 and a Remainder of Commitment that varies based on the type of program a student is doing. Please note all pre-departure expenses must be paid by the student. No financial aid should be expected for program deposits, early purchase of airline tickets, passport application fees, etc.
In some cases, for hybrid programs such as SMU-in-London: LSE, the cost of housing and meals is charged by a partner provider.
Students attending SMU Abroad programs during the summer are eligible for a pro-rated amount of their merit scholarship and SMU Opportunity Grant. Federal loans not utilized during the fall/spring of that academic year may also be used. For information on how your need and merit based financial aid will apply to the January programs, please speak with your financial aid advisor.
Refer to the Cost & Aid page for specific tuition amounts.
Semester study abroad students will receive two kinds of invoices:
Invoice #1: Program Provider/Host Institution Charges
The student will be billed directly by their chosen study abroad program provider or host institution for the following:
non-refundable deposit* to secure the student's place on the program and non-tuition program fees (e.g., housing, orientation, and etc.).
*PLEASE NOTE: payment, cancellation, and refund policies vary depending on the provider. Read any provider or housing contract carefully before signing as you will be individually responsible for those contracts. Students cancelling their abroad program will also be responsible for any additional financial commitments made by SMU on behalf of the student.
Invoice #2: SMU Tuition and Fees
Students studying abroad will receive their regular semester invoice from Student Financial Services for tuition and fees plus any outstanding charges.
Mandatory Student Health Insurance*
*All students studying abroad are required to enroll in or waive the SMU Student Health Insurance Plan as for any other semester. If waiving SMU insurance, students must provide proof that their alternate health insurance provides international coverage. All non-U.S. students engaged in abroad programs are required to enroll in the SMU Student Health Insurance Plan.
Students should expect to pay all pre-departure expenses. No financial aid should be expected for program deposits, early purchase of airline tickets, passport application fees, and etc.
Students attending SMU Abroad semester programs may receive the same financial aid and scholarships that they are eligible for during a fall/spring here at SMU. Additional aid may be available if you will incur expenses beyond what you typically pay on-campus. Please discuss this with your financial aid advisor. Students are also eligible for scholarships through their program provider. If you are studying abroad directly with a foreign university, inquire with the contact there as many have small awards for US students.
Refer to the Cost & Aid page for specific tuition amounts.
Matriculated SMU students may apply their institutional and federal financial aid to their abroad program. Students should consult with SMU Financial Aid for details.
SMU Abroad offers a limited number of need-based study abroad scholarships. Students apply separately for these scholarships during the SMU Abroad application process. In addition, many departments and other academic units on campus also offer scholarship support for study abroad. External scholarships are also available.
Students with any level of financial aid considering study abroad should meet with SMU Abroad several months prior to studying abroad and should ask for detailed information about possible funding sources.
Refer to the Scholarships and Fellowships webpages for details.
Health Insurance
ExLog Global is SMU's Travel Assistance Provider. All students are provided access to this service and it is included in the total cost of the program. ExLog Global offers a dedicated hotline for 24/7 traveler assistance. When students call the SMU Assistance line, they will be greeted by someone who will be able to assist them with the following services:
- Safety and security advice and on-travel guidance (pre-trip advice, lost/stolen passports or luggage, in-country advice)
- Access to medical assistance and transportation services
- Access to security assistance and evacuation services
- Access to mental health providers
- Access to subject matter experts and risk advisors
- Multi-language Capable
ExLog Global - the 24/7 assistance hotline is +1-469-806-0682
Students applying to SMU Abroad programs must be in good academic and disciplinary standing. SMU requires students to have a minimum 2.500 cumulative GPA and no active conduct violations in order to participate in an abroad program. Specific programs may have higher minimum GPA requirements. Many programs have competitive admission. Look for more detailed requirements on the webpages for any program you may be interested in.
Matriculated students may apply to study abroad after completing one full semester of study (Fall or Spring term) at SMU. Students are discouraged from studying abroad during their final full semester of study at SMU because SMU Abroad cannot guarantee that abroad credits will be processed in time for graduation in such cases. Students who matriculate as transfer students must complete one full semester of study at SMU in order to be eligible to apply for study abroad. A transfer student’s cumulative GPA will be used as the basis for determining academic eligibility.
Students must be in good academic and disciplinary standing to apply for and participate in an SMU Abroad Program. If you are placed on academic or disciplinary probation or have a pending matter with the SMU Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards or the SMU Office of Institutional Access and Equity that arises between your Program acceptance and the Program start date, your acceptance may be revoked. Revocation from the Program may result in the same financial consequences as a withdrawal, effective as of the date SMU Abroad is notified of any change in your academic or disciplinary standing.
The application process is online and completed in phases. The “advising” phase is the first step toward studying abroad, and can be opened as soon as you start exploring program options. Students need to open and complete the “advising” phase of the application at least two weeks prior to the application deadline for the term they wish to study abroad.
The “pre-decision” phase is the part of the application on which you are reviewed for program acceptance. Applicants must complete all application elements by 11:59 PM CST* on application deadline. SMU Abroad reviews all applications for completion and accuracy.
For January, May & Summer programs, once SMU Abroad approves your application, it is submitted to the program faculty director or liaison for review. At their discretion, they will be in touch to conduct an interview. If accepted, you will receive an Acceptance Letter from SMU Abroad through the application portal.
For semester programs, once SMU Abroad approves your application, it is submitted to the Semester Application Review Subcommittee immediately following the Early Decision and Regular Decision deadlines. If accepted, you will receive an acceptance letter from SMU Abroad.
Upon being accepted, your application will then enter the “post-decision” phase, where you will make your commitment fee payment(s) for January, May & Summer programs. You will also be asked to upload more information and review and sign documents.
Most SMU Abroad programs are supported by partner providers who help with logistics and on-site support for the program. In addition to the SMU Abroad application, you may be asked to submit information directly to the provider. It is your responsibility to ensure that these materials are completed by their specified due dates.
SMU Abroad staff will send important communication to SMU email accounts only. We expect that you will check your SMU email account at least twice a week both before and during your abroad program. You are responsible for following any directions communicated through your SMU email.
The following documents are policies that all students sign or mark as read within the application.
- Acknowledgement of FERPA Rights and Access in my.SMU
- Release of Liability
- Student Conduct and Participation Agreement
- Visa Requirements
- Studying Abroad During the Senior Year
- Semester Abroad Requirements
- Academic Contract: Semester
- Academic Contract: January, May & Summer
- Academic Contract: Virtual Programs
- Pre-Departure: Conduct Expectations While Abroad
- Pre-Departure: Culture Shock and Identity Shock
- Pre-Departure: Health Insurance and Travel Registrations
- Pre-Departure: Law, Customs, and Crime Abroad
- Pre-Departure: Safety and Security Tips for Undergraduates Abroad
- Pre-Departure: Staying Healthy
- Pre-Departure: The Paper You Need (Visa, Passport, Money)
- Payment and Cancellation Information (term specific)
Students who study abroad on January, May & Summer programs enroll themselves directly into the appropriate SMU courses in my.SMU. Detailed instructions on enrollment for these programs are sent directly to the student via email.
Students with holds cannot enroll: this includes financial holds, Rights and Responsibilities holds, and holds due to required personal information updates. Students must check my.SMU to see if they have any holds on their account. Failure to enroll by the specified deadline may result in a student's withdrawal from the program, and in that case, they will be responsible for any resultant cancellation fees.
Courses immediately appear on the student's SMU transcript from the time of enrollment.
Students who study abroad on SMU Abroad fall and spring term programs are enrolled in a SMU placeholder course to denote full-time enrollment. This placeholder course (designated with a Z) is taken on a credit/no-credit basis. Students must submit their transcript from the study abroad program showing successful completion of credit hours to receive a grade of CR in the Z course.
Students with holds cannot be enrolled: this includes financial holds, Rights and Responsibilities holds, and holds due to required personal information updates. Students must check my.SMU to see if they have any holds on their account and these holds must be cleared for SMU Abroad to enroll the student into the placeholder.
It can take up to 4 months after a semester abroad for SMU Abroad to receive a transcript. After receipt, students will be notified via email by SMU Abroad. This email will include the list of courses taken abroad and any SMU course approvals that have been shared with our office.
Abroad courses and grades will not appear on a student’s SMU transcript until every course has been approved for SMU credit. If all courses have been approved for SMU credit, it may still be several weeks before the SMU transcript is updated.
It is possible for the transcript process to be delayed by the following:
- Financial hold with the partner provider
- Unapproved courses
Withdrawal & Cancellation
To cancel enrollment or to withdraw an application from a January, May, or Summer program, a student must notify SMU Abroad in writing at: abroad@smu.edu. Cancellation is subject to cost pending on the date SMU Abroad receives the student's written notification. Notifying a Program Director and/or Faculty Liaison or withdrawing an application online will not constitute a withdrawal; the SMU Abroad Office MUST be notified in WRITING.The cancellation schedules for January, May, and Summer programs are provided on the Cost & Aid page. The SMU Abroad Office will not provide refunds of any monies outside of the published cancellation schedules unless SMU cancels the program.
Students must be in good academic and disciplinary standing to apply for and participate in an SMU Abroad Program. If you are placed on academic or disciplinary probation or have a pending matter with the SMU Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards or the SMU Office of Institutional Access and Equity that arises between your Program acceptance and the Program start date, your acceptance may be revoked. Revocation from the Program may result in the same financial consequences as a withdrawal, effective as of the date SMU Abroad is notified of any change in your academic or disciplinary standing.
Students interested in a medical withdrawal should consult with Health Services at SMU. Only the SMU Health Center may authorize a Medical Withdrawal.
To cancel enrollment or to withdraw an application from a semester program, a student must notify SMU Abroad in writing at: abroad@smu.edu. Cancellation is subject to cost pending on the date SMU Abroad receives the student's written notification. Notifying a Provider or withdrawing an application online will not constitute a withdrawal; the SMU Abroad Office MUST be notified in WRITING. The cancellation schedules for Semester programs are provided on the Cost & Aid page. The SMU Abroad Office will not provide refunds of any monies outside of the published cancellation schedules unless SMU cancels the program.
Students must be in good academic and disciplinary standing to apply for and participate in an SMU Abroad Program. If you are placed on academic or disciplinary probation or have a pending matter with the SMU Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards or the SMU Office of Institutional Access and Equity that arises between your Program acceptance and the Program start date, your acceptance may be revoked. Revocation from the Program may result in the same financial consequences as a withdrawal, effective as of the date SMU Abroad is notified of any change in your academic or disciplinary standing.
Students interested in a medical withdrawal should consult with Health Services at SMU. Only the SMU Health Center may authorize a Medical Withdrawal.
To cancel enrollment or to withdraw an application from a Virtual Abroad program, a student must notify SMU Abroad in writing at abroad@smu.edu. Cancellation is subject to cost pending on the date SMU Abroad receives the student's written notification. Notifying a Program Director and/or Faculty Liaison or withdrawing an application online will not constitute a withdrawal; the SMU Abroad Office MUST be notified in WRITING. The cancellation schedules for Virtual Abroad programs are provided on the Cost & Aid page. The SMU Abroad Office will not provide refunds of any monies outside of the published cancellation schedules unless SMU cancels the program.
Students must be in good academic and disciplinary standing to apply for and participate in an SMU Abroad Program. If you are placed on academic or disciplinary probation or have a pending matter with the SMU Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards or the SMU Office of Institutional Access and Equity that arises between your Program acceptance and the Program start date, your acceptance may be revoked. Revocation from the Program may result in the same financial consequences as a withdrawal, effective as of the date SMU Abroad is notified of any change in your academic or disciplinary standing.
Students interested in a medical withdrawal should consult with Health Services at SMU. Only the SMU Health Center may authorize a Medical Withdrawal.