Year in Review

Whether collaborating on interdisciplinary research, identifying processes to improve literacy or STEM education, or developing VR or gaming instructional tools, Simmons faculty pursue evidence-based solutions that change lives. Our researchers strive to improve teaching through a better understanding of the learning process and the use of innovative instructional technology. Simmons researchers shed light on what can be done better.

Learn About Our Exciting Research
$20,887,727 total new grants
$1,160,429 average new award
66 active sponsored projects
$8,122,427 in grant expenditures
$369,201 research expenditures per tenure-lined professor
73 perecent tenure-line professors engaged in externally funded research
18 new grants awarded
Distinctive Features. Advancing game-based learning, and augmented / virtual reality instruction. Creating a PreK-9 STEM school with Dallas ISD and Toyota USA.