Dunk Tank Guidelines

The use and operation of dunk tanks poses unique hazards. The following guidelines have been developed to assist event organizers in mitigating those hazards while maintaining the integrity of the ride. Please contact the Office of Risk Management at 214-768-2083.

  1. Before approval of a dunk tank, a layout showing the placement of the dunk tank must be submitted to Risk Management for review. Because large amounts of water will spill out of the tank during its operation, the dunk tank must be placed in a location that provides quick drainage of the water, and away from people and any electrical source.
  2. Risk Management highly recommends renting dunk tanks from vendors. Homemade dunk tanks must undergo additional Risk Management review.
  3. To prevent possible injuries from a slip and fall, event organizers must keep the splash area around the dunk tank clear of observers and participants. The area where the ladder is located must also be clear to allow quick entry into the tank, in the event of an accident or injury.
  4. Once setup of the dunk tank is complete, both the event organizer and operator of the ride must thoroughly inspect the tank for any hazards or damage that could be present, such as sharp edges, loose screws or bolts, or unsteady frame, and both must approve of the safety of the ride before operation begins. If possible, a test operation is recommended before the ride opens to participants.
  5. Below are general rules that must be followed during the operation of the dunk tank. Please familiarize participants with these rules:
    1. The water level in the tank should be kept at least 6 inches from the top.
    2. Dunkees (participants who will be getting into the tank) must be 18 years or older, at least five (5) feet tall, and able to swim. If under 18 years of age, dunkers (participants throwing the ball) must have approval from a parent or guardian.
    3. Observers and participants should keep food and drinks away from the dunk tank.
    4. Only one person is allowed on the seat or in the tank at one time.
    5. The dunkee should never stand on the seat.
    6. The dunkee should be sitting up straight, with hands on lap or knees.
    7. Observers or participants are not allowed to hold onto the bars or put themselves or any object through the bars.
    8. Only the operator or event organizer is permitted behind the tank or target area.
    9. Participants under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not permitted in the tank.
    10. Only participants under the manufacturer’s maximum weight limit are permitted in the tank.
    11. Participants with physical or mental impairments should not be permitted in the tank, unless they or their guardian confirm they are fit to participate.
    12. Participants with chronic knee or other joint conditions; previous back or neck injuries; respiratory conditions; heart or circulatory conditions; and those who are pregnant are encouraged to consult with their doctor before participating in the dunk tank.
    13. Only balls provided by the dunk tank manufacturer are to be used.
    14. When unattended by an adult, the dunk tank must be drained completely.
    15. The ride must not be operated during inclement weather, which includes rain, lightning, wind exceeding 15 miles per hour, hail, or temperatures below 40 degrees.