Friday Lunch and Learn

Healing Our Broken Humanity

Rev. Dr. Grace Ji-Sun Kim

Friday, March 22, 2024, 12 noon - 1:30 p.m.


We live in conflicted times. Our newsfeeds are filled with inequality, division, and fear. We want to make a difference and see justice restored, but how do we do this? This lecture will offer practices that can bring healing and hope to a broken world. Embodying these practices enables us to be the new humanity, so the church and world can experience reconciliation, justice, unity, peace, and love. Discover how to bring real change to a dehumanized world.


Learning Objective:

  1. Understand how our society is broken in different structural ways.
  2. Learn about systemic racism and sexism within society
  3. Seek ways to heal our broken society by examining lament, reconciliation, hospitality and reimagining church