Faculty Ethics and Tenure Committee

Standing Charges:

1.     The Faculty Ethics and Tenure Committee represent the General Faculty in all matters concerning faculty ethics and tenure.

2.     The Committee shall defend the exercise of academic freedom throughout the University; investigate any matter endangering such freedom, and recommend remedies. To this end, the Committee shall review the established criteria and procedures for granting tenure and promotion. When appropriate, the Committee, in cooperation with the various schools of the University, shall recommend, through the Senate, changes in these criteria and procedures to the President of the University and the Board of Trustees.

3.     The Committee shall investigate questions of due process in individual tenure and promotion cases that are directed to it and make recommendations to the President. The Committee shall provide guidance concerning policies for professional behavior of the University's faculty.

4.     The Committee shall investigate alleged breaches in professional ethics, deliberate the circumstances when violations are found, and recommend action.

5.     The Committee shall take up any questions or investigations directed to it by the Faculty Senate, the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate, the Provost, the President, or the Board of Trustees.

6.     This Committee shall consult with the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate concerning its responsibilities and work in progress.

7.     The Committee shall make an annual report to the Senate in writing, maintaining appropriate confidentiality.

Additional Charges for AY 2023-24:

1.     Evaluate the state of promotion from associate to full professor. Report on the time between promotions, any demographics differences, and differences across schools. Make recommendations for improvement.

2.     Monitor the state of mentoring pre-tenure faculty and how this mentoring matches expectations for promotion and tenure.