Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Check out the diverse undergraduate research programs and funding opportunities available on campus!

  • Undergraduate Research Assistantships - Experience part-time research and faculty mentorship during the Academic Year. (Administered by the Office of Engaged Learning). BECOME A URA
  • Engaged Learning Fellowships - Engage in capstone-level scholarly research, community service or civic engagement, professional internship, or other creative project that moves learning beyond the classroom. (Administered by the Office of Engaged Learning). BECOME A FELLOW
  • Summer Research Intensive - Work with faculty in labs, data science, oral history, and more. Students work up to 30 hours/week during the summer on faculty-led research projects. They also participate in professional development workshops covering project management, methods, and presentation skills. (Administered by the Office of Engaged Learning).  PARTICIPATE IN THE SRI
  • Oral History (Voices of SMU and other projects) - conduct and archive interviews about real-life experiences by SMU students and alumni, and more. (Funded in part by the Office of Engaged Learning). MAKE HISTORY
  • Data Science Institute - Launched in Fall 2020, the DSI aims to develop research connections between our faculty affiliates and corporations, federal/state/local governmental agencies, and non-profit organizations. Research assistant opportunities are available. (Funded in part by the Office of Engaged Learning). GAIN SKILLS WITH THE DSI

  • Caruth Institute for Engineering Education - Summer/Academic Year Mentoring & Research Opportunities working with youth. PAY IT FORWARD
  • Cooper/McElvaney Peace and Justice Fellowship - Deepen your understanding of social justice work with a faith-based organization. Design a service or research project under the guidance of the Chaplain’s office or a faculty mentor.  (Administered by the Office of the Chaplain & Religious Life). FAITH, RESEARCH, & SERVICE
  • Grand Challenge Scholars Program - The Grand Challenge Scholars Program (GCSP) aims to inspire young students to explore challenges and opportunities which support the “continuation of life on the planet, making our world more sustainable, secure, healthy, and joyful.”  (Administered by the Hart Center for Engineering Leadership). SOLVE A CHALLENGE
  • Hamilton Undergraduate Research Scholars - Collaborate with top faculty researchers and contribute to the creation of cutting-edge knowledge in significant and meaningful ways. Faculty/student teams carry out primary research for one semester or up to one year. (Administered by the Dedman College Interdisciplinary Institute). GAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCE
  • Maguire Public Service Fellows - Summer fellowships for public service or ethics research.  (Administered by the Maguire Center). MAKE A DIFFERENCE
  • Mayer Undergraduate Fellows - Conduct a substantial research project that combines and integrates the perspectives of your major(s)/minor(s) under the guidance of two faculty mentors. (Administered by the Dedman College Interdisciplinary Institute). CREATE NEW KNOWLEDGE
  • McNair Scholars Program - Through faculty mentoring, undergraduate research, and academic support services, you will be prepared and engaged academically and receive postgraduate counseling and opportunities. (Administered by the SMU College Access Programs). PROPEL YOUR RESEARCH
  • Richter International Fellowship Program - Honors students to conduct independent research projects on topics of international dimensions or multicultural projects within the United States under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Eligibility: Second and Third-year SMU students enrolled in the University Honors Program in the Liberal Arts. (Administered by the University Honors Program). RESEARCH ABROAD
  • Tower Center Student Internships & Fellowships - Pursue collaborative work in politics and government and work closely with faculty to develop research projects to be published in the Dialogue(Administered by the Tower Center). STUDY POLICY
  • Weil Undergraduate Research Award - An annual award for the demonstration of depth and breadth in the use of library research materials and clear evidence of thoughtful command of these resources in undergraduate research papers. (Administered by SMU Libraries). BE THE EXPERT

  • Office of National Student Fellowships - helps SMU undergraduates apply for external, nationally-competitive fellowships, scholarships and awards such as the Rhodes, Marshall, Fulbright, Mitchell, Truman, Goldwater, Udall, Guggenheim, and many others. WIN A FELLOWSHIP
  • Research Experience for Undergraduates - universities across the US offer intensive summer research programs in a variety of STEM disciplines. See our REU page for SMU's programs and recommended programs elsewhere. GAIN EXPERIENCE