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Executive Challenge: A Facilitated Simulation Workshop

Executive Challenge is a flexible program that can be tailored to specific competencies and learning goals. In addition to the listed learning objectives, Executive Challenge has been used to build a variety of competencies related to feedback and development, leadership philosophy, and business acumen. Executive Challenge™ is a trademark of abilitie Inc
Learning Objectives:
  • Translate strategy into sustainable results
  • Collaborating and communicating across functional silos
  • Making decisions under conditions of ambiguity

Executive Coaching (1:1)

As part of Leadership Development programs developed and delivered by SMU COX Executive Education, we often provide Executive Coaching for participants in the programs. All coaches are certified by the International Coaching Federation and have been vetted by Executive Education for inclusion in our programs.

Hiring, Engaging, And Retaining The Best

Learning Objectives:
  • Understand the key human capital challenges facing organizations
  • Explore the relationship between strategy and human capital requirements
  • Introduce tools for evaluating the alignment of human capital with strategic initiatives
  • Discuss the role of managers and leaders in attracting, engaging, and retaining top talent

Innovation: Creating The Environment

Creating an environment for innovation is an intentional decision to change the way we work. Although focused on how to innovate in the workplace, the steps to creating the environment can be applied to other aspects of leadership and management in organizations.

Topics include:

  • Increase Tolerance for Ambiguity
  • Leverage Diversity and Divergent Thinking
  • Ask Better Questions
  • Innovation as Strategy
  • Increase Tolerance for Risk

Innovation: Human Centered Design

Complex and ingrained problems require a means through which to discover the way to a solution. We will review a process which provides a way to move forward even when the solutions might not appear obvious. Design decisions fit into a larger context which includes history, politics, sustainability, ethics, relationships, and aesthetics. Courses work to ground participants in a world bigger than their own through an understanding of design impact.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how to use a cross‐disciplinary approach to solve problems
  • Learn how to take on systemic meaningful challenges with creativity and confidence

Introduction To Financial Statements

This module provides detailed examination of the information conveyed by financial statements. It enhances your understanding of the difference between earnings and cash flows and implications of the difference. Financial analysis, particularly the range of financial ratios and the insights each affords, is introduced.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the role of financial statements in assessing the financial health of an enterprise
  • Introduction to the basic financial statement items and concepts
  • /li>The use of financial ratios and DuPont analysis

Leader As Coach

Today’s competitive workplace demands that leaders evaluate performance and provide coaching and mentoring to employees. The new generations entering the workforce want coaching and expect mentoring from their leaders. Being a mentor/coach leader is one of the most effective ways to get more done for the company while building an engaged and enthusiastic workplace.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn what it means to be a coach‐like leader and mentor
  • Explore the benefits of being a better coach and mentor to those you influence, as well as your organization
  • Learn and practice skills and a coaching model for more impactful conversation

Leading Change: A Facilitated Simulation Workshop

Initiatives often fail to realize their full potential because people struggle to commit to a new way of doing things. ExperienceChange™ is an expert‐guided workshop designed to help you execute on your ideas while it teaches the essentials of successful change. Backed by over 20 years of research, industry insights, and results, it combines proven approaches with hands‐on practice in an engaging, low‐risk, high‐impact experience. ExperienceChange™ is a trademark of Experience Point

Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding the business imperatives
  • Engaging with stakeholders
  • Co‐creating the vision

Leading Effectively: Five Practices Of Exemplary Leadership

Participants will be able to take an honest look at themselves and their leadership behavior. This module will help them identify strengths in the area of strategic and visionary leadership, as well as suggest areas for improvement.

Learning Objectives:

  • Introduce the five practices of exemplary leadership
  • Receive feedback on your leadership behaviors
  • Understand the 10 key commitments for effective leadership

Managing Performance In The Workplace

This session explores various strategies to evaluate and develop employees, introducing skills in coaching, counseling, and methods for motivating non‐performers. The session will cover both managing the problem performer and developing the high performer.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn methods for developing talent
  • Identify key gaps and opportunities for improving talent development

The Five Behaviors Of A Cohesive Team

This powerful in-person or virtual experience provides clear, concise, and practical guidelines for becoming (or enhancing) a high-functioning team. Using an assessment based on an interrelated model, team members are taught critical behaviors and skills needed to drive team effectiveness and productivity. The result is a unique and impactful team development solution that empowers team members to a) rethink their approach to teamwork, b) shape new, more productive behaviors to increase productivity, and c) begin to concretize a common language that completely redefines what it means to build a culture of teamwork. Understanding how teams become cohesive and when to intervene underlies successful team leadership. As a result of participating in this facilitated experience, team members will deepen collective trust, enhance skills around managing conflict, clarify and drive team commitment, learn new ways of embracing accountability, and experience a renewed focus on results and the most important issues facing the business.

Learning Objectives:

  • Framework – understand, discuss, and apply the five behaviors model to become a more cohesive team
  • Instrument – complete an assessment to deepen understanding of self, work style, as well as team behaviors
  • Facilitation – experiential learning includes breakout activities and group discussion for team members to learn how to work together more efficiently and effectively
  • Takeaways – learn critical behaviors and interpersonal skills needed to be an effective team player on any team; create concrete ideas of where the team needs to focus its energy moving forward

Ideal for intact teams (up to 15), cross-functional teams, matrixed teams or departments