Mustang Mentee Experience

SMU first-year and transfer students are invited to participate as a mentee in the Mustang Mentors program!

If you are an incoming undergraduate student and are looking to build connections with your peers, sign up to gain a Mentor! Through your peer-mentor, you will learn what to expect in school, how to navigate challenges, gain understanding of the campus culture, and build your network to become a better leader on campus! Having a peer-mentor can greatly benefit your overall growth and development. You are paired with a peer mentor based on common interests, skills, and academic goals. You can learn more about the program in the informational video below. Sign up today! 


The Mentee Experience 

  • Meet at least 1x a month with your mentor. 
  • Attend at least 1-2 cohort events per semester.
  • Log conversation with your mentee on the Mentor Collective Dashboard.

Sign up to Gain a Mentor!


Questions about Mustang Mentors?