Matthew Wilson

Associate Professor


Office Location

Carr Collins Hall 215





Ph.D., Duke University

His work focuses on public opinion, elections, representation, political psychology, and religion and politics, principally in the United States but also in comparative and international perspective. He is the author, co-author, or editor of three books and more than a score of articles and essays, including multiple pieces in The American Journal of Political Science and The Journal of Politics. His most recent works include Understanding American Politics (University of Toronto Press) and Religion and Politics in the United States (Routledge Press), both published in 2013.

Professor Wilson's research has been funded by grants from the American Political Science Association, the University Research Council, the John G. Tower Center for Political Studies, and the Sam Taylor Fund of the United Methodist Church. His teaching has been honored with a HOPE Professor of Excellence award from SMU's Department of Residence Life, and with a teaching fellowship from the Cary Maguire Center for Ethics and Public Responsibility.

In addition to his teaching and research, Professor Wilson frequently gives public lectures on various aspects of American politics, and routinely serves as a commentator on political affairs for local, national, and international media outlets. He is also a regular contributor to The Dallas Morning News's "Texas Faith" blog on religion in public life.

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