Business Insights and Research
Focused research studies to generate new insights into Latino talent and market issues
Even though extensive research has brought about greater understanding of Latinos as a consumer group, minimal attention has been given to the area of talent management. The Latino Leadership Initiative (LLI) is meeting this need through new and relevant insights on key issues surrounding Latinos in the workforce.
The SMU Cox LLI is engaging in cutting-edge research that provides insights into the fast growing and mission critical talent pool of diverse leaders. Dr. Jose Antonio Bowen serves as the Academic Director for the SMU Cox LLI and leads its Research Agenda, together with the LLI Scientific Board, comprised of leading research faculty from around the country.
Latino Research Study - in progress
LLI is actively conducting a study to identify the drivers of employee commitment, retention, and turnover among Latino employees, and will examine whether these drivers differ from other employee groups. The study's research topics fall in three key areas.
To learn more about the research and insights provided by the LLI, please email SMUCoxLLI@smu.edu or call (214) 768-8232.
Research Topics
Career Satisfaction
Job characteristics alignment, job satisfaction, and agreement with the organization's values determine one's satisfaction in their career.
Home & Family Conflict/Ease
Work/family conflict and life satisfaction are drivers of individual success.
Organizational Alignment
Prediction of turnover intentions, perceived fit within an organization, relationship with colleagues and leadership, and organizational policy/climate can all be deduced through research within employee research groups.