First Day of Class

Few things are more important than getting the class off to the right start. These resources provide advice and ideas for that crucial first class, as well as suggestions for communicating your expectations to your students more generally.

First Day of Class

Make the Most of the First Day of Class (Carnegie Mellon suggests 8 obtainable objectives)

First Day of Class (Vanderbilt's teaching center gives tips on introductions, expectations)

Preparing for the First Day (Stanford suggests first-class ideas for new and experienced teachers) 

The Most Important Day: Starting Well (attitude, ice breakers, and checklist from the University of Nebraska's teaching center)

The following videos (from Iowa State's teaching center) also contain advice for the first day of class:

Welcoming Students on the First Day of Class

Clarifying Classroom Procedures in Large Introductory Classes

Reviewing the Syllabus and Notetaking Procedure

Before Class Begins

Before the First Day (preparation checklist from the University of Oregon)

Overview of Course Management Issues (Carnegie Mellon points out ways that thinking ahead will make your class go more smoothly)

Managing the Class Climate (creating a supportive environment without losing control)

Early in the Semester

Ways to Learn Student Names (University of Virginia teaching center lists a dozen ideas to help you remember quickly) even in very large classes (ideas from Bowling Green State)

15 Suggestions for the First Week of Class (from Iowa State)