Court reverses $625.5 million ruling against Apple

SMU Law Professor Bill Dorsaneo talks about a U.S. district court judge reversing a $625.5 million jury decision against Apple Inc.

Staff Writer

U.S. Judge Leonard Davis on Monday reversed a $625.5 million award that a jury in the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Texas, had ordered Apple Inc. to pay in a patent infringement lawsuit in October — something that a Southern Methodist University law professor said is unusual.

“It’s relatively unusual to set aside a verdict to zero,” Bill Dorsaneo, a professor at the university’s Dedman School of Law said on Tuesday. He added that judges have little interest in trying cases a second time. Dorsaneo noted he is not a patent attorney and is not associated with the Apple case.

Patent cases, he said, are much more technical and have more legal issues than other kinds of commercial cases.

The federal jury made the award to Mirror Worlds, a Connecticut-based technology company, which is incorporated in Tyler, based on three patent infringements for $208.5 million each.

Read the full story.

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