Faculty Publications
Recent Faculty Publications
Fred Block, Matthew R. Keller and Marian Negoita. 2020. “Network Failure and the Evolution of the U.S. Innovation System” Journal of Industry, Competition, and Trade
Andrea Laurent-Simpson and Celia Lo. 2019. “Risk Society Online: Zika Virus, Social Media, and Distrust in the CDC.” Sociology of Health and Illness 41(7):1270-1288.
Sheri Kunovich. 2018. “The Decline in Occupational Diversity in Polish Politics.” International Journal of Sociology 48(1)
L. Owen Kirkpatrick. 2018. “Graduated Sovereignty and the Fragmented City: Mapping the Political Geography of Citizenship in Detroit.” In Cherstin Lyon and Allison Goebel (eds.), Citizenship and Place. Rowman & Littlefield
L. Owen Kirkpatrick and Chalem Bolton. 2018. “Austerity and the Spectacle: Urban Triage and Post-Political Development in Detroit.” In M. Davidson and K. Ward (eds.), Cities Under Austerity: Restructuring the U.S. Metropolis (Ch. 2). SUNY Press
Celia Lo and Andrea Laurent-Simpson. “How SES May Figure in Perceptions of Zika Risks and in Preventive Action.” Sociological Spectrum. 38(5):295-311
Matthew R. Keller, Fred Block and Marian Negoita. 2017. "How does Innovation Work within the Developmental Network State? New Data on Public-Private Agreements in a U.S. Department of Energy Laboratory." Sociologias 19(46)
Elaine Howard Ecklund, Sarah Damaske, Anne E. Lincoln, and Virginia Johnston White. 2017. "Strategies Men Use to Negotiate Family and Science." Socius 3
Andrea Laurent-Simpson. 2017. “‘They Make Me Not Wanna Have a Child’: Effects of Companion Animals on Fertility Choices of the Childfree.” Sociological Inquiry 87(4)
Andrea Laurent-Simpson. 2017. “Considering Alternate Sources of Role Identity: Childless Parents and Their Animal ‘Kids.’” Sociological Forum 32(3)
L. Owen Kirkpatrick. 2016. “The New Urban Fiscal Crisis: Finance, Democracy and Municipal Debt.” Politics & Society 44(1)
Faculty Books
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Failing Families, Failing Science: Work-Family Conflict in Academic Science. Elaine Howard Ecklund and Anne E. Lincoln Reviews:American Journal of Sociology-Contemporary Sociology-Social Forces |
Reinventing Detroit: The Politics of Possibility. Michael Peter Smith and Lucas O. Kirkpatrick, eds. |
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State of Innovation: The U.S. Government's Role in Technology Development. Fred Block and Matthew R. Keller, eds. |
Faculty News Archive