
Selecting Courses from the Homepage menu takes you to the Course page. The page shows the courses that you're currently teaching. If you want to see a list of courses that you taught in previous semesters, select Past Courses near the top of the page. Clicking on a course opens a new page where you can access Course DetailsEnrolled Students, and Test Proctoring


  • Course Details provides basic information about the course you selected. 

  • Enrolled Students shows the class roster and among those, the students who have accommodations. This list can be difficult to sort and navigate, so we recommend using the Accommodations Letters page to view student Accommodation Letters. 

  • Test Proctoring allows faculty, students and the DASS office to collaborate digitally on test proctoring requests, with faculty being able to approve or revise requests sent through the system by DASS students. See the instructions for Test Proctoring Requests.