Fall 2020 Red-Blue Rotation Schedule

Click here to see the Red-Blue Rotation Schedule.

Students taking undergraduate courses will be assigned either a Red or Blue rotation schedule. SMUFlex courses (courses that are not Virtual and have a room assignment) will follow a Red-Blue rotation schedule. Students will attend class in person on their assigned day and will engage virtually on the alternate days.

Students who are assigned to the Red-Blue rotation schedule will see either a Red or Blue tile in my.SMU on their Student Homepage designating their rotation schedule (see below). Undergraduate students who have requested to be fully REMOTE or are taking all VIRTUAL courses will not be assigned to the Red-Blue rotation schedule.

If a student is in the Red rotation schedule, then he/she will attend classes in person for every Red calendar day and attend classes virtually on every Blue calendar day.

If a student is in the Blue rotation schedule, then he/she will attend classes in person for every Blue calendar day and attend classes virtually on every Red calendar day.

Below is an example of a student’s enrollment:

Fall 2020 schedule:
ACCT 2301 MWF 8:00am – 8:45am (Location – MAGU0250)
MATH 1337 MWF 10:00am – 10:45am (Location – HERY0153)
SOCI 3305 TR 9:30am – 10:45am (Location – HERY0153)
MUHI 1339 TR 12:30pm – 1:45pm (VIRTUAL)
PSYC 2332 TR 3:30pm – 4:45pm (Location – BLANCOMB)

Week of 8/24 – 28 (Red rotation schedule):
MWF classes – Virtually
TR classes – In person

Week of 8/31 – 9/4 (Red rotation schedule):
MWF – In person
TR classes - Virtually

In the event that an SMUFlex class has been assigned to a classroom with sufficient seating to accommodate all students, the faculty may choose to meet in person on all assigned class days. A student, however, has the ability to decide if they want to adhere strictly to their assigned Red-Blue schedule or if they would like to attend in-person if the faculty member presents that option. Students may not request to change their rotation schedule. The Red-Blue calendar will be a feature on your course calendar in Canvas.

Advantages of the Red-Blue rotation schedule:

  • Allows SMU to further “de-densify” the classroom and the campus.
  • Minimizes the need for a student living off-campus to come to campus every day.