Faculty Benefits Committee

Standing Charges:


The members shall also be the Senate's nominees to the University Benefits Council, and the chair of the Committee shall normally serve as chair of that Council.

The Committee shall represent the Senate in the University Benefits Council and inform the Senate of the Council's work. Through the Benefits Council the Subcommittee shall:

1.     Review, and forward faculty suggestions regarding benefits;

2.     Review changes in benefits proposed by administrative offices or others and make recommendations concerning the proposed changes;

3.     Review existing benefits plans and make suggestions for improvements;

4.     Present faculty recommendations concerning benefits to the administration prior to the time of budgetary planning;

5.     Engage in an over-all evaluation of the benefits package.

6.     The Subcommittee shall report annually to the Senate in writing.

Additional Charges for AY 2023-24:

1.     Evaluate the current portfolio of faculty benefits compared to neighboring institutions for and identify areas of relative strength and weakness. 

2.     Examine the state of the university’s healthcare benefits for faculty with disabilities.