Ocean Dallas
In conjunction with the 2005 National Earth Science Teachers Convention held in Dallas, Richardson Independent School District’s Kathy and Norm Poff teamed up with the ISEM to lead a field trip through the Woodbine, Eagle Ford, and Austin Chalk formations. The Ocean Dallas Field Guide served to instruct and inspire teachers during their hands-on experience with rocks and fossils. Since that time, the Ocean Dallas Field Guide has resided on the SMU webpage of the Department of Geological Sciences, where it has been utilized in first year Earth history geology field trips and has been available as a free and easily obtained teacher resource.
Now, thanks to Paul Ballou, Science Facilitator at Mesquite ISD’s Russell Planetarium, Ocean Dallas is being revised and improved so that it might be used once again in organized teacher training. This comes none too soon as the Texas Department of Education is implementing new policies regarding the teaching of Earth Sciences in public schools. Teachers participating in the Ocean Dallas field trip are eligible for the “pay-for-knowledge” program which encourages teacher participation.
If you would like to arrange a special field trip for the teachers of your valued school, please contact ISEM Education Specialist, Diana Vineyard, 214-768-2425 (vineyard@smu.edu).