Ancient Greek
The Department of World Languages and Literatures offers courses in first-year Ancient Greek.
“I would make them all learn English: and then I would let the clever ones learn Latin as an honor, and Greek as a treat." -Winston Churchill
Why Study Greek?
1. The study of the Classics is essential to the humanities and a liberal arts education
A thorough foundation in the languages, history, and culture of Greco-Roman civilization provides a way of understanding not only the past but also the intellectual roots of the present. The wealth of knowledge and thought passed down from the Greeks and Romans of antiquity continue to enrich the world of today.
2. A knowledge of Greek allows for a better understanding of the English language
Ancient Greek is the foundation of many English words: An estimated 60% of all English words are derived from Classical languages. Your study of Greek will offer you with an opportunity to view English in a new way and improve your understanding of English vocabulary, grammar, spelling and syntax.
3. An estimated 90% of technical and scientific terms are of ancient Greek and Latin origin
Your vocabulary skills in Greek can be applied in a number of fields, including biology, philosophy, law, and medicine.
4. You will gain unique insight into Western art, culture, and mythology
Your knowledge of Ancient Greek will provide you with a privileged insight into foundational works of western culture, such as those of Aeschylus, Aesop, Archimedes, Aristophanes, Aristotle, Euclid, Euripides, Hippocrates, Homer, Plato, Ptolemy, and Sophocles.
“Why Study Ancient Greek?” (Illinois Wesleyan)