Safety Escort

TapRide Replaced by TransLoc

The SMU Safety Escort program provides free safe rides on Main Campus for up to two students or employees at a time from 7:00 P.M. to 3:00 A.M., 7 days a week while classes are in session. During these hours if you ever feel unsafe walking, please use the TransLoc app to request a ride. (click the image to be directed to and download the new app)

TransLoc OnDemand User Guide to Get StartedFollow instructions to the right to download the new app.
  • Once you have Location services turned on, Southern Methodist University will appear as an option
  • When you go to login, input your SMU email address and it will take you to the SMU SSO login screen
  • Book a ride!

***Please Note: Daytime Service is only for ride requests due to injury, illness or mobility needs.

If this is an Emergency, Call 911

We are not an emergency service – please dial 911 if you are in immediate danger.

If you are not in danger but need a law enforcement officer please call the SMU Police department at 214-768-3333

Guidelines regarding the service: 

  • Safety Escort is available when SMU is in session and is generally not available during SMU breaks and major holidays. 
  • On busy nights, we might need to stop taking requests a half hour before we close. 
  • Sorry, we are a safety service only, not for convenience. 
  • During severe weather conditions the Safety Escort service may be suspended. Once conditions improve, Safety Escort will resume operations. 
  • We do try to respond as quickly as we can to people with urgent needs, but our fleet is limited to three golf carts. 

Please note - Students and employees  - To help enhance application and data security, Duo Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) will be required to access this service.