California Provider Focus Groups


As part of the California Public Defense Workload Study funded by the California Legislature (AB 625), the Deason Criminal Justice Reform Center is seeking to recruit people who work in public defense in California to participate in focus groups about their workloads.



Focus Group Information

Who are you looking for?

Basically, everyone who works in public defense in California:

  • Supervisors
  • Trial Attorneys
  • Non-trial attorneys
  • Social workers
  • Investigators
  • Administrators
  • Paralegals

Just public defenders or also court-appointed counsel and contract lawyers too?

We are interested in talking to people from all types of programs – public defender offices, conflict/alternate programs, court-appointed counsel and panel programs, and contract programs.


Are you also going to talk to clients?

Yes, we are. If you have former clients who might want to participate in a focus group, please share this link with them, where they can find out more about client-community focus groups.


What do you want us to do?

We are asking you to attend an online focus group of no more than two hours.


Where will the focus groups take place?

The focus groups will take place online via Zoom


When will the focus groups happen?

Focus groups will take place between June and October of 2024.


How do I sign-up?

Please fill out this brief online survey.


Can I share this with others?

Yes! If you know someone who might be interested, please share the link to this page and encourage them to sign up as well.


If you have additional questions, please email