Elizabeth Thomas

Ph.D., Anthropology

Orem, Utah

What is your research area?
Medical Anthropology

What is something cool about your field?
Anthropological research often involves living at our research site for extended periods of time, which allows us as researchers to form close relationships with people and places we would otherwise never have experienced.

What is the best thing you've done as a graduate student at SMU so far?
During my first summer as an SMU student I received a Maguire Center Public Service Fellowship. Serving in the community and making an impact in the lives of others was incredibly rewarding.

What is your favorite thing to do in Dallas?

Biking around White Rock Lake is one of my best stress relievers!

What do you wish you'd known before starting graduate schools?
Grad school is a marathon. You cannot try to sprint through it. Be persistent and push forward, but make your personal life a priority from the very first day- great ideas rarely come when you are too tired or stressed to think straight.

What is your favorite leisure activity?
Playing with my two adorable cats and my two mischievous pygmy goats!