Green Dot SMU Horiz

Green Dot at SMU

Green Dot teaches faculty, staff, and students to be aware of potential violence around them and provides the skills, strategies, and tactics to use the power of peer influence to intervene appropriately and safely in high-risk situations. Green Dot teaches how to become an active bystander when acts of power-based personal violence are witnessed.

Our Green Dot Team is made up of a team of SMU staff members who have gone through an extensive training and who volunteer their time to give overview speeches and facilitate bystander trainings.

Green Dot Circle Graphic

A green dot symbolizes a single moment in time that can be used to end perpetration or support victims of power-based personal violence. Through your words, choices, and actions in any given moment, you can add a green dot to our map – interrupting a potential incidence of power-based personal violence, or a red dot – and make a difference. Adding a green dot will increase community safety for everyone. If each of us adds 1 or 2 or 5 or 100 green dots, we will reduce the perpetration of violence - one green dot at a time.

Green dots are divided into two categories: proactive and reactive. Proactive green dots are things people can do to prevent power-based personal violence from happening; reactive green dots are things people can do to intervene in a red dot situation.

There are proactive and reactive Green Dots. Participate in a training to learn more!

We know that every day, people in our hometowns, the cities we live in, in the United States, and round the world are victims of power-based personal violence. Stories of this type of violence inundate our televisions, phones, and news feeds. Each incident hurts all of us. These acts of violence are like red dots covering a map, much like an epidemic spreading out of control if not stopped.

Other Definitions

Power-Based Personal Violence:

A form of violence that has as a primary motivator the assertion of power, control and/or intimidation in order to harm another. This includes partner violence, sexual assault, stalking, bullying, child abuse, and elder abuse. It includes the use of alcohol or drugs to commit any of these acts. These acts are inclusive of acts committed by strangers, friends, acquaintances, intimates, or other persons. For a list of resources for those affected by power-based personal violence, please see the bottom of the page.

Sexual Violence:

Any sexual contact that lacks consent and/or capacity to give consent. Includes forcible fondling, sexual assault, rape and attempted rape.

Partner Violence:

Physical, sexual or psychological harm, or threat of harm, by a current or former partner. Intimate Partner Violence is also known as dating violence, domestic violence, intimate partner abuse, relationship violence, etc.


Course of conduct targeted at an individual or group that would cause a reasonable person to feel afraid. Examples include following, Facebooking, texting, calling, unwanted letters, gifts, etc.

During bystander training, we discuss power-based personal violence in terms of sexual violence, partner violence, and stalking. However, the skills participants learn in class can be readily applied to situations of hazing and bullying.