Table of Contents

Download the entire SMU Ethics Toolbox


What we are and (are not) doing here

How to use the toolkit

Putting Ethics Into Practice

A Method-Based Approach to Moral Judgment: How to put ethical theories, codes and principles into practice

Guidelines for choosing relevant and useful cases for analysis and discussion

General requirements for case selection

Requirements for cases over the arc of a course

General instructor notes on applying ethics

Three levels of moral thinking

Method 1: Reflective equilibrium

Method 2: Arguments by Analogy

An integrated method for generating more considered moral judgments

Lesson 1: Introducing basic concepts in moral thought and reasoning

Concept 1: The moral point of view

Concept 2: Obligations (or duties)

Concept 3: Rights

Concept 4: Special obligations and rights

Concept 5: Permissions (options)

Concept 6: Consequences

Concept 7: Moral agents vs. moral patients

Concept 8: Morally relevant significant factors

Lesson 2: A procedure for analyzing cases and applying ethical theories and principles

Understanding the Tools

A Brief overview of ethical theory (materials for instructors)

What is an ethical theory?

Kinds of ethical theories

Act-focused theories

Consequentialist theories

Non-consequentialist (incl. deontological theories)

Agent-focused theories

Virtue theories

Care of theories

Moral Rights: Theoretical background

Moral rights vs. legal rights

Human rights

Natural rights

Civil rights

Claim rights, liberties, powers, and immunities

Correlative duties

Consent, waiver, and forfeiture

Inalienable rights

Constraints theories

Instrumental theories

End-state theories

Principles, codes and doctrines (material for instructors)

The doctrine of double effect

The doctrine of doing and allowing

Rights as constraints

The harm principle

Professional codes of ethics

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