City to spray SMU Main Campus for mosquitoes early Friday morning

The City of University Park will ground fog the SMU campus to kill mosquitoes on Friday, September 7. Fogging is expected to begin about 2 a.m. Friday, depending on weather conditions.

The City of University Park will ground fog the SMU campus to kill mosquitoes on Friday, September 7. Fogging is expected to begin about 2 a.m. Friday, depending on weather conditions.

As a precaution, the city recommends that you avoid being outside during fogging, close windows and keep pets inside.

The fogging will not kill all mosquitoes. Information about fogging in University Park is available on the city's website at

Also see the West Nile Virus Fact Sheet and the West Nile Watch 2012 newsletter published by Dallas County Health & Human Services.

Precautions related to mosquitoes and the West Nile virus

Because mosquitoes are common in North Texas from May to October, the City of University Park has been spraying for mosquitos to diminish the threat of the West Nile virus. SMU is working with local authorities in addressing the mosquito problem.

The SMU Health Center is prepared to provide temporary care for anyone in our community who might become infected with West Nile.  The SMU Health Center also has the recommended DEET insect repellant.

To protect yourself against West Nile and other diseases carried by mosquitoes, the Dallas County Department of Health and Human Services recommends you:

  • Use insect repellents that contain DEET or any other EPA-approved insect repellent.
  • Wear long sleeves/ pants, loose and light-colored clothing when outdoors.
  • Protect yourself especially if you go outside during dusk and dawn hours.

Mosquitos breed in stagnant water. SMU Facility Services monitors the campus daily for standing water, removes it and treats the area. Avoid stagnant water.

If you see stagnant water on campus, please report it to SMU Facility Services at 214-768-3494.

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