Tim Pawlenty's ties to "Swift Boat" Bob Perry

SMU Political Science Professor Cal Jillson provides expertise in a story about billionaire Bob J. Perry providing financial support for presidential hopeful Tim Pawlenty.

By Delal Pektas and Kelsey Sheehy for iWatch News

Tim Pawlenty may not have great name recognition but he does have one very important thing for a presidential candidate: a hand in the pocket of Texas billionaire Bob J. Perry.

Perry, a homebuilding tycoon with a $600 million fortune, is a high roller among Republican donors. . .

Texas politicos familiar with Perry doubt his donations to Pawlenty are motivated by religion.

"Pawlenty, certainly from the perspective of Minnesota, he might look like and evangelical, but from the perspective of Texas, he doesn't," said Cal Jillson, a political science professor at Southern Methodist University, in Dallas. "The presentation of evangelicalism in Minnesota is likely to be less aggressive than it would be in Texas or much of the South."

Read the full story.

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