Vampires in Pop Culture

Rick Worland, SMU professor of cinema and television, talks with KERA Radio's Think about vampires in pop culture.

Rick Worland, SMU professor of cinema-television, was interviewed by KERA's Think host Krys Boyd about "Vampires in Pop Culture" in the runup to Halloween on Sunday.

Also taking part in the October 28 interview was Rechelle Christie, gothic literature specialist at UTA.

Download or listed to a podcast of the interview (mp3). audio icon

Worland, author of The Horror Film: An Introduction (Wiley-Blackwell, 2006), was the 1997-98 Algur H. Meadows Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Meadows School of the Arts. His research focuses on American film and television in the Cold War era, the horror genre, the Hollywood Studio era, and American film in the 1960s and 1970s.