Minor in Corporate Communication and Public Affairs

Minor Entry Requirements: 3.000 GPA across DISC 1312; STAT 2301 or 2331; CCPA 2310; and CCPA 2327

See List of Corporate Communication and Public Affairs Courses & their Description

Requirements for the Minor 21 Credit Hours

Core Requirements
Taken before entry into the minor:

  • CCPA 2310 Rhetoric, Community, and Public Deliberation
  • CCPA 2327 Communication Theory

Taken after entry into the minor, beginning with the following two courses:

  • CCPA 2308 Introduction to Newswriting for Public Relations or DISC 1313 Introduction to Newswriting or CCPA 3360 Business and Professional Communication
  • CCPA 2375 Communication Research and Data Analytics

Select from CCPA courses open to minors at the 3000 level or higher


The minor in Corporate Communication and Public Affairs is administered by the Division of Corporate Communication and Public Affairs