Classification Information

Classified Jobs

Classified Jobs are assigned to specific pay grades that have corresponding salary ranges. The Classified Jobs page provides a list of all classified job titles, in alphabetical order, along with their corresponding job code, exempt/non-exempt classification, pay grade, and annualized salary range information.

Job Families

Each classified job is assigned to a Job Family which groups jobs by work that is generally similar in function or by department. Within each Job Family link, job titles are listed alphabetically, along with their corresponding job code, exempt/non-exempt classification, pay grade, and annualized salary range information.

Pay Plan

All classified jobs are assigned to a specific pay grade. The Pay Plan page provides the salary ranges for each of the pay grades. Range minimums, midpoints, and maximums are shown as yearly, monthly, and hourly figures.

Unclassified Jobs 

Unclassified Jobs do not have corresponding salary ranges. The Unclassified Jobs page shows an alphabetical listing of unclassified job titles, broken out by staff, faculty with benefits, and faculty without benefits.