What Wendy Davis needs to win uphill race for Texas governor

Matthew Wilson, political scientist at SMU's Dedman College of Huamanities and Sciences, talks about what Texas state Senator Wendy Davis would need to win a governor's race.

By Wayne Slater

AUSTIN — Wendy Davis’ path to the Governor’s Mansion might not be impossible, but a victory would be the most improbable win in Texas politics in two decades.

To succeed, the Democratic senator from Fort Worth will have to raise a formidable $40 million, attract groups that haven’t voted together in big numbers since 1990 and hope that her GOP opponent makes a big mistake. And she’ll have to do it in the reddest big state in America.

“Lightning would have to strike,” said former Lt. Gov. Bill Ratliff, a Republican.

But Davis advisers have a plan. ...

“There is no realistic scenario where a Democrat wins in 2014 without a really energized, unusually activated Latino electorate,” said SMU political scientist Matthew Wilson. “And what’s the formula for really getting an unusually active, mobilized Latino electorate? It’s not an Anglo lady who is an abortion champion.”...