My Turn: A visitor’s impression of ever-surprising Taos

SMU marketing student Wendy Vo writes about her impresssions of Taos while there on an internship.

By Wendy Vo

“Taos surprises me everyday.” I updated my status on Facebook after the first week staying in Taos.

I am a senior marketing student, doing summer school at the SMU Fort Burgwin campus, and also working as an intern for the Historic Taos Inn. This summer program allowed me to spend a June semester in Taos. It would be nice to get away from the big Dallas for a while as I was moving to a slower pace of life. I was excited for my adventure in the Land of Enchantment.

Taos is very unique in its own way. When I first came to this town, I felt like I was not living in the U.S. at all. Distinctive reddish-brown adobe houses largely dominated a little dusty town, surrounded in the setting views of the mountains and hillside homes.

From the most breathtaking landscape to the World Living Heritage Taos Pueblo, from local events, genuine local cuisine, and other randomness I found that made me fall in love with this place. In fact, it was my privilege to be considered as a local. Because there was some local discounts that I can get from the souvenir shops.

Read the full story.

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